Tag: Joey Ramone

The Trouble with Boomers
The oldest Boomers turn 65 this year, and the youngest turn 56. By now, they’ve partially relinquished their collective death grip on the best jobs — though not the best lifestyles, which they’ll always enjoy. […]
Read This PostJoey Ramone
Look at the way people describe JOEY RAMONE’s (1951-2001) voice: “bleat,” “snarl,” “hiccup.” Would they say the same about Ronnie Spector? His voice was honest, plangent… it was bliss. He left us too soon, yes, […]
Read This PostHilo Heroes, May 17-23
Happy Birthday, this week, to the following high-, low-, no-, and hilobrow heroes. More Hilo birthdays. MAY 17 Parisian composer ERIK SATIE (1866-1925) was the great-grandaddy of ambient music, the distant progenitor of Musak and […]
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