Posted here at HILOBROW in June 2023. Lisa Yaszek, editor of the MIT Press’s Francis Stevens collection The Heads of Cerberus and Other Stories (2024), is grateful to Maxanthony Mateer and Diya Patel for their assistance compiling this appendix.
The list of proto-sf and related genre fiction written by women and published during the sf genre’s emergent Radium Age (c. 1900–1935) includes the following titles.
Black, Pansy E. (aka Beach, Pansy Ellen). The Valley of the Great Ray. Stellar Publishing Corporation, 1930.
Bland, E. (aka Nesbit, Edith). “The Third Drug.” The Strand Magazine, vol. 35, no. 206, Feb. 1908, pp. 179-88. [Included in More Voices from the Radium Age (MIT Press, 2023), ed. Joshua Glenn; and serialized here at HILOBROW in 2021.] Link
Burdekin, Katharine. Swastika Night. Gollancz, 1937. Link
Clark, Valma. “The Two Men Who Murdered Each Other.” Weird Tales, vol. 2, no.1, Feb. 1923, pp. 23-32. Link
Colter, Eli (aka Frost, May Eliza). “The Last Horror.” Weird Tales, vol. 9, no.1, Jan. 1927, pp. 29-46. Link
Counselman, Mary Elizabeth. “The Three Marked Pennies.” Weird Tales, vol. 24, no. 2, 1934, pp. 248-53. Link
Ellis, Sophie Wenzel. “Creatures of the Light.” Astounding Stories, vol. 1, no. 2, Feb. 1930, pp. 196-220. Link
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (aka Stetson, Charlotte Perkins). “The Yellow Wallpaper.” New England Magazine, vol. 11, no. 5, Jan. 1892, pp. 647-56. [Gilman’s Herland was serialized here at HILOBROW in 2013.] Link

Garby, Lee Hawkins. “The Skylark of Space: The Tale of the First Interstellar Cruise.” (With E.E. Smith). Amazing Stories, vol. 3, nos. 5-7, Jul.-Sept. 1928, pp. 390-417; 528-58; 610-36. Link
Hamilton, Cicely. Theodore Savage: A Story of the Past or the Future. Leonard Parsons, 1922. [Reissued by the MIT Press in 2023; and serialized here at HILOBROEW in 2013.] Link
Hansen, L(ucille). Taylor. “The Prince of Liars.” Amazing Stories, vol. 5, no. 7, Oct. 1930, pp. 582-99. Link
Harbou, Thea Von. Metropolis. Illustriertes Blatt, 1925. Link
Harris, Clare Winger. “The Fate of the Poseidonia.” Amazing Stories, vol. 2, no. 3, Jun. 1927, pp. 245-52; 267. [Harris’s “The Fifth Dimension” (1928) was serialized here at HILOBROW in 2023.] Link
Hopkins, Pauline. Of One Blood. The Colored American Magazine, vol. 6, nos. 1-3, Nov. 1902- Jan. 1903, pp. 29-40; 102-13; 191-200. [Reissued by the MIT Press in 2022.] Link
Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat (aka Begum Rokeya). “Sultana’s Dream.” The Indian Ladies’ Magazine, 1905. [Included in Voices from the Radium Age (MIT Press, 2022), ed. Joshua Glenn.] Link
Gillmore, Inez Haynes (aka Irwin, Inez Haynes). Angel Island. Henry Holt, 1914. Link
Jaeger, M(uriel). The Question Mark. The Hogarth Press, 1926. [Jaeger’s The Man with Six Senses was serialized here at HILOBROW in 2013; at the request of the Jaeger estate, it was later made unaccessible.]
Jones, Lillian B. (aka Horace, Lillian B. Jones). Five Generations Hence. Dotson-Jones Printing Company, 1916.
La Spina, Greye. “Invaders from the Dark.” Weird Tales, vol.5, nos.4-6, Apr.-Jun. 1921, pp. 61-98; 273-98; 431-49. Links: 1 | 2 | 3.
Long, Amelia Reynolds (aka Reynolds, Peter and Weir, Mordred). “The Thought Monster.” Weird Tales, vol. 15, no. 3, Mar. 1930, pp. 407-14. Link
Lorraine, Lilith. The Brain of the Planet. Stellar Publishing Corporation, 1929. Link
Macaulay, Rose (aka Dame Emilie Rose Macaulay). What Not: A Prophetic Comedy. 1918. [Reissued by the MIT Press in 2022.] Link
Moravsky, Maria. “The Ode to Pegasus.” Weird Tales, vol. 8, no. 5, 1926, pp. 659-662. Link
Morgan, Basset (aka Jones, Grace Ethel). “Bimini.” Weird Tales, vol. 13, no. 1, 1929, pp. 83-97. Link
Pendarves, G. G. (aka Trenery, Gladys Gordon). “The Eighth Green Man.” Weird Tales, vol. 11, no. 3, 1928, pp. 311-321. Link
Richardson, Eudora Ramsay. “The Voice of Euphemia.” Weird Tales, vol. 3, no. 3, 1924, pp. 32-35. Link
Stevens, Francis (aka Gertrude Barrows Bennett). Not included on this list, because it was compiled as an appendix to a Stevens collection. [Stevens’s 1904 story “The Curious Experience of Thomas Dunbar” was serialized here at HILOBROW in 2023; and her 1918 story “Behind the Curtain” was serialized here at HILOBROW in 2023.]
Worrell, Everil. (aka Murphy, Everil Worrell). “The Canal.” Weird Tales, vol. 10, no. 6, 1927, pp. 789-902. Link
Additional titles may be found by perusing the RADIUM AGE TIMELINE.
A MORE COMPLETE LIST… of Women Creating Speculative Fiction, 1900-1935
In All-Genre Magazines (Adventure, The Black Cat, Argosy, All-Story, People’s Favorite Magazine, The Metropolitan Magazine, The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine, The Popular Magazine, The Smart Set, The Strand, The Thrill Book)
Mabel Ernestine Abbott (Arg)
Lillian Ainsworth (AS
Florence Edith Austin (MSBBM)
Elizabeth W. Bellamy
Octavia Zollicoffer Bond (BC)
“B.M. Bower” (Bertha Muzzy Sinclair-Cowan) (PM)
Olivette Bourgeois (artist, BC)
Alice Earle Chapin (TB)
Madeline Heath (editor, AS combined with Arg)
Helen Higgins (artist, BC)
Greye La Spina (TB)
Edith Cecil Maturin (Str)
Elizabeth “Lillie” Thomasina Meade (Str)
Margaret P. Montague (All-S)
Ethel Watts Mumford (BC)
E. (Edith) Nesbitt (Str)
Marcia Nardi (associate editor, AS combined with Arg)
Eva L. Ogden (BC)
Muriel Alice Pollexfen (Adv)
Margaret Montague Prescott (All-S)
Harriet Prescott Spofford (MM)
“Francis Stevens” (Gertrude Barrows Bennett) (All-S, Arg, PFM, TB)
Edna W. Underwood (SS)
In Science and Science Fiction Magazines (Air Wonder Stories, Amazing Stories, Amazing Stories Quarterly, Wonder Stories, Astounding, Science Wonder Quarterly, Electrical Experimenter, Science Fiction Series, The Fantasy Fan, Science and Invention, Science Fiction, Fantasy Magazine, Marvel Tales of Science and Fantasy, Secret Agent X)
Edna Becker (SI)
Susie M. Best (poet, AS)
Pansy E. Black (SFS)
Miriam Bourne (associate editor, AS, ASQ)
Julia Boynton Green (poet, AS)
Clara E. Chesnutt (AS)
Mabel M. Davis (EE)
Merab Eberle (SFS, AS)
Sophie Wenzel Ellis (Ast, AS)
Lee Hawkins Garby (AS)
L. (Lucile) Taylor Hansen (ASQ, AS, WS)
Clio Harper (poet, ASQ)
Clare Winger Harris (AS, ASQ, SWQ, SF)
Hazel Heald (WS)
Minna Irving (AS)
Karyl Kanet (AS)
Amelia Reynolds Long (“Amelia R. Long”; “A.R. Long”; “Mordred Weir”): (AS, Ast, MTSF
“Lilith Lorraine” (Mary Maude Dunn Wright) (SFS, SWQ, Ast, WS)
Kathleen Ludwick (ASQ)
C. (Catherine) L. (Lucille) Moore (Ast, FM)
Kaye Raymond (WS, Ast)
Margaretta W. Rea (AS)
Louise Rice (ASQ)
M. (Margaret) F. Rupert (SWQ)
G. (Gladys) St. John-Loe (Ast)
I. (Inga) M. (Marie) Stephens (Pratt): (AS, ASQ)
Leslie F. Stone (AWS, AS, SFS, WS)
Pauline E. Thomas (poet, AS)
Emma Vanne (WS)
Natalie H. Wooley (poet, MTSF)
Rose Wynn (editor, SAX)
In Literary Magazines and Presses
Augusta Albertson
Edith Allonby
Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
Mary Hunter Austin
Florence L. (Louisa) Barclay
Ada Barnett
Helen Beauclerk
“L. D. Biagi” (Lottie F. Ambrose)
Lillie Devereux Blake
Baroness Marie Blaze de Bury
Mary Borden
Diane Boswell
Bertha Louise Bowhay
Karen Bramson
Comtesse Anna (Dunphy) de Brémont
D. K. (Dorothy Kathleen) Broster
Alice Brown
Martha Bensley Bruere
Katherine Burdekin
Beatrice May Butt
Maria Buyno-Arctowa
Alice Campbell
Agnes Castle
Alice Earle Chapin
Lillian Chester
Agatha Christie
“Lucas Cleeve” (Adelina Georgina Isabella Kingscote)
Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn
Irene Clyde (literary pseud. & chosen gender-affirming name of Thomas Baty)
Mary E. (Elizabeth) Coleridge
Sarah Comstock
Joan Conquest
Hannah Coron
Nathalia Crane
Isabell C. Crawford
“Victoria Cross” (Annie Sophie Cory, also as “Vivian Cory”)
Martha Foote Crow
“March Cost” (Margaret Mackie Morrison)
Monica Curtis
“Clemence Dane” (Winifred Ashton)
“Richard Dehan” Clotide Inez Mary Graves
“Jean Delaire” (Elisa Touchemolin, also as “Mrs. Muirson Blake”)
Berenice V. Dell
Katharine Fay Dewey
Nina Murni Doney
L. (Lily) Dougall
Susan Ertz
Anna D. Evans
Laura Dayton Fessenden
Mary A. (Ann) Fisher
Mary Wilkins Freeman
Lena J. Fry
Zona Gale
E. V. (Edith Virginia) Gazella
Rosetta Luce Gilchrist
Inez Haynes Gillmore
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Z. N. (Zinaida Nikolaevna) Gippius
Clotilde Graves
Sue Greenleaf
Elise Kay Gresswell
I. F. (Isabel Frances) Grant
Violet Guttenberg
Charlotte Franken Haldane
Cicely Hamilton
Eva Harrison
Carra Depuy Henley
Dorothy Adelaide Hilton
Inez Holden
Pauline Hopkins
Rokheya Sakhawat Hossain
Hunt, Laura Shellabarger
Inez Haynes Irwin
Muriel Jaeger
Mary Johnston
Jeanne Judso
Růžena Jesenská
Lillian B. Jones
Kayser, Martha Cabanné
Magda Kempner
Margaret Maud Brash (also as “John Kendall”)
Jessie Douglas Kerruish
Mary Holland McNeish
Mabel Winifred,Knowles
Lola Kosáryné Réz
“Lilian Leslie” (Violet Lilian Perkins and Archer Leslie Hood)
Mrs. Norman Lee
Mary Anne Moore Ling
Ellen Olney Kirk
Queen Marie of Romania
Nettie Parrish Martin
Caroline Atwater Mason
Dame Rose McCaulay
Florence McLandburgh
L. (Lily) McManus, (also as “L. MacManus” and “Lily McManus”)
Elizabeth “Lillie” Thomasina Meade
Effie Woodward, Merriman
Esther Meynell
Elizabeth York Miller
Lady Dorothy Mills
Cora Minnett,
Kate Murray,
V. (Violet) Torlesse Murray
Edith Nesbitt (“E. Bland”)
Josefina Nyklesová-Bukovanská
Mairi O’Nair
Claire Myers Owens
Condesa Emilia de Pardo Bazán
“Wiliam Penmare” (Mavis Elizabeth Hocking Nisot)
Rena Oldfield Pettersen
Sofie Podlipská
Muriel Alice Pollexfen
Emilie Procházková
“E. J. Rath” (Edith Rathbone Brainerd and Chauncey Corey Brainerd)
Eloise O. Richberg
“Noëlle Roger” (Hélène Dufour Pittard)
Bessie Story Rogers
Lillian Elizabeth Roy
M. (Mary Helena) Saltoun
Ella M. Scrymsour
Catherine Agnes Scrymsour Nichol
Anna Ratner Shapiro
Caroline Dale Snedeker
Harriet Prescott Spofford
Gladys St. John-Loe
Mary E. Stratford
Mrs. G. Stuart
“Jiří Sumín” (Amálie Vrbová)
Bertha von Suttner
Anna Maria Tilschová
Aelfrida Tillyard
H. (Harriet) Alfarata Chapman Thompson
Susan Tweedsmuir
Růžena Charlotta Urbanová
Thea Von Harbou
Sara Weiss,
Rebecca West
Elizabeth Whiteley
Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
Theodora Wilson Wilson
Margaret L. (Louisa) Woods
Ruth Vassos
(Florence Ethel) Mills Young
“Zagorka” (Marija Jurić Zagorka)
In Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Filmmaking
Clemence Dane (The Trans-Atlantic Tunnel, 1935)
Alice Guy-Blaché (writer and director, The Cabbage Fairy, 1903)
Thea von Harbou (Destiny, 1921; Dr. Mabuse, 1922; Metropolis, 1927; co-author, The Woman in the Moon, 1928)
Irene Kuhn (co-author, The Mask of Fu Manchu, 1932)
Georgette Leblanc (co-author, L’Inhumaine, 1923/24)
Nellie E. Lucoque (She, 1916)
Mary Murillo (She, 1917)
Grace Neville (co-author, Air Hawks, 1935)
Ella O’Neill (co-author, The Phantom of the Air, 1932)
Alicia Ramsay (The Secret Kingdom, 1925)
Ruth Rose (co-author, King Kong, 1933; author, Son of Kong, 1933, and She, 1935)
Florence Ryerson (The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu, 1930)
Hildegarde Stadie (Maniac, 1934; Marihuana, 1936)
In Weird Tales
Vida Tyler Adams
Marguerite Lynch Addis
Edith M. Almedingen
Leona May Ames (poet)
Meredith Beyers
Annie M. Bilbro
Zealia B. Bishop (Reed)
Muriel Cameron Bodkin (poet)
Lady Anne Bonny
Edna Goit Brintnall
Mary S. Brown
Margaret Brundage (artist)
Katherine Buoy (poet)
Hazel Burden (poet)
Loretta G. Burrough
Brooke Byrne (also poetry)
Grace M. Campbell
Hanna Baird Campbell (poet)
Lenore E. Chaney
Valma Clark
Martha May Cockrill
Ethel Helene Coen
Eli (Elizabeth) Colter
Mary Elizabeth Counselman (also poetry)
Florence Crow
Marjorie Darter
Meredith Davis
Elma Dean (poet)
Leah Bodine Drake (poet)
Edith de Garis
Frances Elliot (poet)
Elsie Ellis
Mollie Frank Ellis
Sophie Wenzel Ellis
Mary McEnnery Erhard
Marianne Ferguson
Effie W. Fifield
Alice T. Fuller
Nellie E. Gardner
Louise Garwood (also poetry)
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Myrtle Levy Gaylord
Nellie C. Gilmore
Julia Boynton Green (poet)
Sonia H. Greene
Anne H. Hadley
Clare Winger Harris
Lyllian Huntley Harris
Margaret M. Hass
Cristel Hastings (poet)
Marietta Hawley (poet)
Sarah Henderson Hay (poet)
Hazel Heald
Helen Rowe Henze
Leona Ames Hill (poet)
Marjorie Holmes (poet)
Terva Gaston Hubbard
Edith Hurley (poet)
Virginia Kidd
Fanny Kemble Johnson
Victoria Beaudin Johnson (poet)
Thelma E. Johnson (poet)
Ida M. Keir
Donna Kelly (poet)
Binny Koras (poet)
Minnie Faegre Knox (poet)
Jean Lahors (poet)
Lois Lane
Alice l’Anson (poet)
Genevieve Larsson
Greye La Spina
Nadia Lavrova
Helen Liello
Marie W. Linne (poet)
Amelia Reynolds Long
“Mindret Lord” (Mildred Loeb)
Isa-Belle Manzer
Rachael Marshall
Kadra Maysi
Maybelle McCalment
Laurie McClintock
Josie McNamara Lydon (poet)
Violet M. Methley
Frances Bragg Middleton
Ethel Morgan-Dunham (poet)
C. (Catherine) L. (Lucille) Moore
Maria Moravsky
“Bassett Morgan” (Grace Jones)
Sarah Newmeyer
Dorothy Norwich
G. (Gladys) G. (Gordon) Pendarves (Trenery)
Stella G.S. Perry
Dorothy Marie Peterkin (poet)
Alice Pickard (poet)
Lilla Poole Price (Savino) (poet)
Mearle Prout
Dorothy Quick (Margaret Rogers Straub) (also poetry)
Edith Lyle Ragsdale
Ellen M. Ramsay
Alicia Ramsey
Eudora Ramsay Richardson
Sybla Ramus
Helen M. Reid
June Power Reilly (poet)
Susan A. Rice
Eudora Ramsay Richardson
“Flavia Richardson” (Christine Campbell Thomson)
Katherine Metcalf Roof
Mrs. Edgar Saltus
Sylvia B. Saltzberg
Jane Scales
Mary Sharon (also poetry)
Mary C. Shaw (poet)
Elizabeth Sheldon
Mrs. Chetwood Smith
Lady Eleanor Smith
Mrs. Harry Pugh Smith
Emma-Lindsay Squier
Francis Stevens
Edith Lichty Stewart
Grace Stillman (poet)
Leslie F. Stone
Gertrude Macaulay Sutton
Pearl Norton Swet
Tessida Swinges
Signe Toksvig
Jewell Bothwell Tull (poet)
Lida Wilson Turner (poet)
Maude E. Uschold (poet)
Emma Vanne
Katherine van der Veer (poet)
Louise van de Verg
Isabel Walker
Elizabeth Adt Wenzler
Phyllis A. Whitney
Natalie H. Wooley
Everil Worrell
Geraldine M. Wright (poet)
Stella Wynne
Katherine Yates
In Other Weird Magazines (The Magic Carpet Magazine, Mind Magic, Oriental Stories, Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, Tales of Magic and Mystery, Tales of the Uncanny, The Thrill Book)
Helen Armstrong (MM)
Berenice T. Banning (OS)
Mrs. (Marie Adelaide) Belloc-Lowndes (TU)
S(usan) Carleton (Jones) (TB)
Anna Alice Chapin (TB)
Gladys E. Dansfield (MM)
Mary Caroline Davies (BC, TB)
Miriam Allen DeFord (TMM)
May Freud Dickenson (TB)
Sophie Wenzel Ellis (STMT)
Thelva B. Ellis (MM)
Dorota Flatau (OS)
Grace Keon (OS)
Greye La Spina (TB)
Lottie Lesh (OS)
Louella B. Lions (MM)
Rosa Zagnoni Marinoni (MM)
Charlotte Mish (TB)
Lilliace M. Mitchell (MM)
“Bassett Morgan” (Grace Jones) (STMT)
G. (Gladys) G. (Gordon) Pendarves (Trenery) (OS)
Nina Wilcox Putnam (TB)
“Dorothy Quick” (Margaret Rogers Straub) (OS)
Diana Rolfe (TU)
Helen Marr Springer (MM)
“Virginia Stait” (Winfred Brent Russell) (OS)
“Francis Stevens” (Gertrude Barrows Bennett) (TB)
Clare Douglas Stuart (TB)
Pearl Norton Swet (OS)
Lillian Beynon Thomas (TB)
Mrs. J. M. Walker (MM)
“Evangeline Weir” (E. H. Weidner) (TB)
Sophie (Louise) Wenzel (TB)
In Related Genre Magazines
Amazing Detective Tales
Amelia Reynolds Long
Ghost Stories
Eva Joy Betterley
Helen Brooks
Elizabeth Butt
Rose Byron
Florence Campbell
S. (Susan) Carleton (Jones)
Eleanore Carey
Mary Tarver Carroll
Anna Alice Chapin
Agatha Christie
Eleanor Clarage
Lilian Averne Clark
Mildred Cram
Hilda Crawley
Vera Darrell
Una E. Dary
Mary Caroline Davies
Lillian Day
Margaret Delaney
Edith Desmond
May Freud Dickenson
Lucy Dixon
Lillian Douglas
Muriel E. Eddy
Sophie Wenzel Ellis
Mrs. S.N. Froman
Elizabeth Gladhill
Ellen Glasgow
Blanche Goodman
Antoinette Gregory
Doris B. Grigsby
Mrs. A.P. Hammerbacher
Beatrice Handel
Florence E. Hubbard
Muriel Hunt
Margaret Jackson
Alice James
Margery Jewett
Thelma Johnson
Nell Kay
Celia Keegan
Ella Blanche Kelly
Barbara Kenworthy
Dorothy R. Kissling
Carol Lansing
Clare LaSee
Mrs. Dorothy Layne
Gladys Osborne Leonard
Annabel Lee
Mabel Lockman
Elizabeth Longenecker
Mrs. Mary MacGuckin
Loretta MacKay
Mrs. Rene Parks MacKay
Cassie H. MacLaurie
Mary Agnew MacLean
Cordelia B. Makarius
Rosa Zagnoni Marinoni
Rita Martinez
Very McKay
Anne Melvin
Doris Miner
Maria Moravsky
Ethel Watts Mumford
Anne Irvine Norment
Jean Oldham (artist)
Grace Oursler
Grace Phelps
Mary Eugene Pritchard
Mrs. Jack Purcell
Barbara Ralston
Mrs. Janet Heath Reinbold
Louise Rice
Marie McCraw Robinson
Edith Ross
Rose Ross
Blaise Ryan
Ruth C. Scherr
Julia Tate Shearon
Lilith Shell
Maybell Sherman
Mary Willis Shuey
Pauline De Silva
Carlotta Sommers
Doris Stanley (artist)
Lillian Beynon Thomas
Nelly Littlehale Umbstaetter (artist)
Getrude Vonne
Marie Van Vorst
Dorothy Venner
Virginia Terhune van de Water
Evangeline Weir
Gwendolyn White
Alice Whitson-Norton
Mrs. P. G. Wiggins
Marguerite Wilcox
Patience Worth (poet)
Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine
Ruth Alexander
Elizabeth Baker
Martha Bell
Ursula Bloom
Marjorie Bowen
Agnes Castle
Vera Lady Cathcart
Agatha Christie
Dora Christie-Murray
H. (Helen) M. (Mary) E. (Elizabeth) Clamp
Eli (Elizabeth) Colter
Florence A. Dickson
Charlotte Dockstader
Ginette Edwards
Anita Fitzgerald
Kathreen Gorman
“Robin Grey” (Elizabeth Gresham)
Mary Gaunt
Antoinette Gregory
Giorgina Hadley & Sylvette De Lamar
Agnes Grozier Herbertson
Margot Hirons
F. S. Jacobs
Greye LaSpina
“C.H. MacL.” (Cassie H. MacLaury)
Lady Dorothy Mills
Doris Miner
“Elinor Mordaunt” (Evelyn May Clowes)
Baroness Orczy
Elsie Pain
Florence M. Pettee
Claire D. Pollexfen
Barbara Ralston
Mary Rattray
Kathlyn Rhodes
G. (Gladys) G. (Gordon) Pendarves (Trenery)
Frances Simpson
Vivian Tidmarsh
Gwendolyn White
Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine
Phyllis Austin
Mrs. (Marie Adelaide) Belloc-Lowndes
Ursula Bloom
Dora Christie-Murray
Catherine Clark
Susanne R. Day
Enid Dauncey
Muriel Dayrell
Victoria Drummond
Jane Eastwell
Katharine Ellis
Dorice Field
Hermione Gingold
Alice Hargrave
Ann Hunter
Gladys Knight
Marjory E. Lambe
Carol Lansing
Amelia De Lantis
Margery Lawrence
Lady Dorothy Mills
Isabel Ostrander
Barbara Parker
Margaret Peterson
G. (Gladys) G. (Gordon) Pendarves (Trenery)
Claire D. Pollexfen
F Ellen M. Ramsay
“Flavia Richardson” (Christine Campbell Thomson)
Patience Ropes
Tessa Rosenkrantz
Patience Adrian Ross
Amelia De Santos
Marjorie Seville
Julia Tait Shearon
Emma-Lindsay Squier
Rosa Zagnoni
Mind, Inc.
Gertrude Nelson Andrews
Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
Edwina Stanton Babcock
Grazia Deledda
Mary Elizabeth Evans
Annie Fellows Johnston
Florence Morse Kingsley
Grace Sartwell Mason
Margaret Prescott Montague
Olive Schreiner
Emma-Lindsay Squier
Tales of Mystery and Detection
Margery Allingham
True Mystic Crimes
Shirley T. Babbitt
Carlotta Sommers
Naomi Swett Sommers
True Strange Stories
Helen Blakely
Mrs. C.
May Cerf
Anna Davis
Martha Dreiblatt
Elisabeth England
Sophie Wenzel Ellis
Gertrude Gordon
Hazel Ross Hailey
Mildred Hardenbergh
Paula Holladay
Dolores Michel
Alice Morley
Mildred Morris
Elsie Roberts
Sylvia B. Saltzberg
Elita Sheasby
Alice Gregory Stafford
Ethel Waters
MORE RADIUM AGE SCI FI ON HILOBROW! RADIUM AGE SERIES from THE MIT PRESS: In-depth info on each book in the series; a sneak peek at what’s coming in the months ahead; the secret identity of the series’ advisory panel; and more. | RADIUM AGE: TIMELINE: Notes on proto-sf publications and related events from 1900–1935. | RADIUM AGE POETRY: Proto-sf and science-related poetry from 1900–1935. | RADIUM AGE 100: A list (now somewhat outdated) of Josh’s 100 favorite proto-sf novels from the genre’s emergent Radium Age | SISTERS OF THE RADIUM AGE: A resource compiled by Lisa Yaszek.