The name Firefly came from the gun’s bright flash.
The name Firefly came from the gun’s bright flash.
The 75mm gun barrel was replaced with an aftermarket turned-metal barrel.
I trimmed off the fenders for a more aggressive look.
I had to do some research on markings and paint schemes of the era.
Afterword to our 2012 edition of Rudyard Kipling’s sci-fi novel.
Introduction to our 2013 edition of Muriel Jaeger’s sci-fi novel.
Everything I see now, I think: will I ever see this again?
I fantasize about stowing away in Ciudad Vieja.
If I had the whole day, I would not tire of being in the hospital.
Whatever else I do, I am looking at stuff on the walls.
I’ve never taken any kind of dance class, and it seems a little crazy to start with tango.
Javier tried to explain Foucault to me, but I am too dumb.
Sometimes you have to get off the bus and walk.
Everything looks familiar from a distance and less so on approach.
I gave in to the gathering surge of traveler’s love.