“Weren’t strips of heart culture seen / Of late mating two periodicities?”
“Weren’t strips of heart culture seen / Of late mating two periodicities?”
“Vast is the web and splendidly spun…”
“Earth is machine and works to plan / Winnowing space and time”
“They confine themselves / To right-angled triangles.”
“Z-z-z-z-z! That whine would pierce any covering.”
“Into the Pool o’ Space, to see / The Circles o’ Infinity.”
Josh’s work and unwork, doings and undoings since April 1.
RADIUM AGE publications and more since April 1
“Now we all start in at once to the minute.”
“Science has set free / The Energy of the Atom and harnessed it…”
“This is the machine incarnate…”
“Crowded / With dark incipient crystal growths…”
“When the human engine waits / Like a taxi throbbing waiting…”
“He walks out briskly to infect a city…”
“An arrangement in a system to pointing…”