28 Seeds
February 3, 2012

Former HiLobrow artist-in-residence Edrie is Kickstartering her latest project, 28 Seeds, an “apocalyptic, sci-fi, steampunk collaboration between experimental theater company Liars & Believers and the steamCRUNK band Walter Sickert & the ARmy of BRoken TOys.”
From the project website:
“28 Seeds tells the story of how greed and ignorance destroyed the world. This is H.P. Lovecraft meets rock music and 1000 channels of cable TV; it’s government conspiracy, burlesque, ray guns, and tentacles; it blends a live rock show, science fiction, dance, theatre, video and sound into an immersive performance experience.
“Over 25 Boston artists and performers are involved in this unique collaboration. We’re bringing together innovative theatre, with all its story-telling tools, and the wild music of a live steampunk band. We have musicians, actors, dancers, video artists, sound artists, graphic artists and more. All are sharing in this wild collaborative work… ”
Edrie invites you to help Kickstart something new in Boston theater; choose your donation level and choose your work of art.
28 Seeds Kickstarter project page.
28 Seeds premieres April 19th, 2012 at the Boston Center for the Arts in Boston, MA.
We can’t wait!
HILOBROW’s Artist-in-residence archive.