October 1, 2024

HILOBROW readers — please support the kickstarter for the new (#4) issue of LAAB!

LAAB is an annual broadsheet newspaper — founded by the author and cartoonist Ronald Wimberly — full of art, comics, criticism, interviews, illustrations, manifestos, and more. Jeet Heer has called LAAB “the most mind-boggling comics artifact since the early issues of Acme Novelty Library.” Wimberly himself calls it a “pop culture dialectic.” We agree!

Here at HILOBROW, we’re longtime fans of Wimberly (Prince of Cats, Gratuitous Ninja). We’re thrilled that he has contributed to HILOBROW a couple of times — essays on DIGITAL DATING and SHIRATO SANPEI.

We’ve pledged $600 to support the publication of LAAB #4. But the project is only halfway funded at this point… so pitch in! They’re looking to raise just $7,000.00 more.

We promise that you’ll love the new issue of LAAB… if it ever sees the light of day.


