September 12, 2024

HILOBROW friend Joe Alterio has recently completed his latest webcomic, “The Custodian.”
It’s a moody slice of life, which appears to be set in the future, perhaps on a colony planet undergoing terraforming, or perhaps on a less habitable future version of Earth.
Our protagonist, the story’s titular custodian, is preoccupied with all-too-earthbound memories and regrets. Hopefully, he won’t allow himself to become fatally distracted…

It’s a somber micro-story beamed back to us from the future, with brief reminders of the little, easy-to-overlook moments that make life worth living. Even if we don’t realize it at the time…

Beautiful! And a very engaging, smart use of the medium.
MORE POSTS by JOE ALTERIO: GOOD WORK JOE: a comics diary | QUALITY JOE: sketches vs. finished drawings | ROBOTS & MONSTERS series | Q&A with Gary Panter and Charles Burns | CABLEGATE COMIX | KIRB YOUR ENTHUSIASM: Black Panther | KIRK YOUR ENTHUSIASM: Kirk vs. Gorn | KERN YOUR ENTHUSIASM: Akzidenz-Grotesk | GROK MY ENTHUSIASM: Million Year Picnic | #SQUADGOALS: THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS | HERMENAUTIC TAROT: THE DROP-OFF | WOWEE ZOWEE: BEATS, RHYMES AND LIFE | FERB YOUR ENTHUSIASM: REN & STIMPY | plus HILO HERO items on Winsor McCay, Django Reinhardt, Wendy Pini, and many others.