June 27, 2024

A series exploring the New York Public Library’s digital collection of radium-related ephemera.

1911 lecture on radium

A page from Loie Fuller’s 1911 lecture on radium. Fuller’s notebooks and letters, 1907–1911, are at the NYPL. Fuller (1862–1928), was an American dancer and a pioneer of modern dance and theatrical lighting techniques. She created a “Radium Dance” for the Broadway musical “Piff, Paff, Pouf.”

Here’s a 1904 review: “Loie Fuller is still up to date. She made a hit with her radium dance. Attired in an absolutely luminous gown, which by a secret and exceedingly clever mechanism flashes forth brilliant phosphorescent rays during her terpsichorean undulations.”


MORE RADIUM AGE SCI FI ON HILOBROW: RADIUM AGE SERIES from THE MIT PRESS: In-depth info on each book in the series; a sneak peek at what’s coming in the months ahead; the secret identity of the series’ advisory panel; and more. | RADIUM AGE: TIMELINE: Notes on proto-sf publications and related events from 1900–1935. | RADIUM AGE POETRY: Proto-sf and science-related poetry from 1900–1935. | RADIUM AGE 100: A list (now somewhat outdated) of Josh’s 100 favorite proto-sf novels from the genre’s emergent Radium Age | SISTERS OF THE RADIUM AGE: A resource compiled by Lisa Yaszek.