August 24, 2023
One in a series of posts featuring pages from Hermenaut, a DIY intellectual zine/journal published by HILOBROW’s Josh Glenn from 1992 through 2000-01.

Right from the beginning, my generational re-periodization project has taken very seriously the argument that there is no such thing as a generation. Here I quote Ethan Smith, whom I describe as a philosopher, on the subject. In fact, I’d gone to college with Ethan; he’d then gone on to work for SASSY magazine. (These days, he is one of the editors of the Wall Street Journal‘s weekend business and finance section, Exchange.) I also quote Alex Star, whom I didn’t know at the time — but whom I’d end up working with at the Boston Globe’s IDEAS section years later.
Why the image of Donald Trump here? I’m not sure!
Pub. Date: Winter 1992–1993
Theme: Subculture (S.L.A.C.K. series)
Hermenaut: Levinas
Pages: 26
Print Run: 75
MORE HERMENAUT on HILOBROW: HERMENAUTICA series | MEET THE HERMENAUTS | HERMENAUT’s last five issues | Snapshots | Letters to HERMENAUT | Dialectical Design | Josh Glenn on CAMP, KITSCH & CHEESE | Josh Glenn on DANIEL CLOWES: Q&A | Clarke Cooper on APOCALYPSE ALREADY | Lisa Carver on THE ART OF BEING UNCOMFORTABLE | Josh Glenn on FAKE AUTHENTICITY | Chris Fujiwara on ZOOMING THROUGH SPACE | John Marr on CAMPANILE FREE-FALL | Clarke Cooper on THE WILL TO SCORN | Dan Reines on PURE EVEL | Chris Fujiwara on ROADWORTHY JAZZ | Dan Reines on LETTER FROM LA | Mary E. Ladd & Julie Wiskirchen on ONWARD CHRISTIAN TOURISTS | Chris Fujiwara on SAVED BY BETRAYAL | Margaret Blonder on MEMORIES OF THE BIOSPHERE | Josh Glenn on HERMENAUT: PHILIP K. DICK | Ingrid Schorr on ROCKVILLE GIRL SPEAKS.