September 30, 2017
Introducing LOST OBJECTS, the fourth PROJECT:OBJECT volume of 2017.
Beginning tomorrow here at HILOBROW, this series of 25 posts will feature a terrific crew of storytellers sharing 100% true tales of objects that they used to possess — but don’t any longer. Perhaps the object was misplaced, or given away… or perhaps it was destroyed, or stolen? However it was lost, the real question is: Why do some objects keep coming to mind, long after they’ve vanished from our lives?
Perhaps when you die, suggests Nina Katchadourian in her LOST OBJECTS story, you’ll get to see all the lost objects of your life. The stories of these things having been finally resolved, she suggests, only then will you “disappear into being a lost object yourself.” Lost objects weigh heavily upon us — this series explores the various mechanisms of that cathexis.

As if this series weren’t already amazing enough, we’re excited to announce that each of the LOST OBJECTS stories has been illustrated by a talented guest artist! We hope to collect these stories and illustrations into a postcard book — stay tuned for info about that.
The LOST OBJECTS volume will roll out through the end of the year. Here’s the series lineup:
Kate Bernheimer on MULLET WIG (ill. Amy Evans) | Dan Piepenbring on COLOGNE (ill. Josh Neufeld) | Doug Dorst on STRATOCASTER (ill. John Holbo) | Paul Lukas on VANILLA BEAN (ill. Allison Bamcat) | Mimi Lipson on DODGE DART (ill. Mister Reusch) | Luc Sante on CLUB CHAIR (ill. Kate Bingaman-Burt) | Nina Katchadourian on FOUNTAIN PENS (ill. Lisa Congdon) | Matthew Sharpe on BAUBLE (ill. Glenn Jones) | Claire Lehmann on PEANUT-BUTTER CRACKERS (ill. Karen Kurycki) | Jessamyn West on ENGINEER RING (ill. Amanda Clarke) | Mandy Keifetz on ORGONE ACCUMULATOR (ill. Emory Allen) | Molly Sauter on DESKTOP DOG (ill. Shayna Piascik) | Amy Thielen on DOG-FUR SCARF (ill. Heather Kasunick) | Stephen O’Connor on HUNTING HAT (ill. Oliver Munday) | Alice Boone on COLLEGE NEWSPAPERS (ill. Rick Pinchera) | Dante Ramos on ROAD ATLAS (ill. Joe Alterio) | Alex Balk on SHOOTING GALLERY (ill. John Lowe) | Chelsey Johnson on NOTEBOOK (ill. Rubi McGrory) | Susannah Breslin on SILICONE VAGINA (ill. Jennifer Heuer) | Seth Mnookin on .22 REVOLVER (ill. Alex Eben Meyer) | Dan Fox on CONKER (ill. Linzie Hunter) | Lisa Takeuchi Cullen on GLASS CLOCK (ill. Rose Wong) | Michael Tisserand on WALKING SHOES (ill. Jackie Roche) | Jeff Turrentine on BASEBALL MITT (ill. Andrew DeGraff) | Randy Kennedy on SNAKE RATTLES (ill. Max Temescu).
Subscribe to the PROJECT:OBJECT newsletter here.
Support the ACLU by purchasing PROJECT:OBJECT objects — including t-shirts, hoodies, totes, notebooks, and other gear at our Threadless shop. Via sales of the items, and thanks to the generosity of our contributors, we aim to donate over $2,000.00 by the end of the year.
Thanks, Kate Bingaman-Burt, for the volume logo. And thanks, SEMIOVOX, for sponsoring PROJECT:OBJECT.