Heathcliff, For Why? (8)
October 19, 2016
A series of posts, by HiLobrow friend Brandi Brown, puzzling over the Andy Kaufman-like anti-comedy antics of Heathcliff, a cat who has nonplussed newspaper funny pages readers since 1973. These posts were selected from among many others that first appeared at Brandi’s website Heathcliff, For Why?.
Heathcliff may live in his own world but apparently his comic exists in the same universe as a lot of other cartoon characters. You may remember this comic from the very first post:

So many questions:
- Why does Heathcliff have a cabinet full of the heads of various cartoon cats?
- Where did he acquire these cat heads?
- Why is only Garfield’s head colored in?
- Why does grandma not think this is weird?
- What’s Heathcliff’s game plan for wearing Felix’s head?
- What does feeling Felix mean?
- Which of these cartoon cats do you think that Heathcliff would most/least get along with?
- Do you think Heathcliff would drive Garfield to suicide? I do.
- Why did the cartoonist decide to draw all these other characters?
- Is this a diss-comic to all the other artists out there? Is he like, “Yo, I just called you out, Kendrick Lamar style. Come at me.”?
- Anyway, Heathcliff also rolls with famous Muppets.

I find this cartoon the most hard to believe. Do you think Oscar the Grouch would be remotely pleased with Heathcliff’s brand of bullshit? I think not. Also, the garbage men would not be pleased to see Heathcliff, the cat who makes their jobs harder by just destroying everything and spreading garbage all over AND Oscar, who yells at them every time they come near his garbage can.
I wonder how Heathcliff and Oscar know each other, anyway. I find it difficult to believe no one from Sesame Street banned Heathcliff. And, let’s be honest, Heathcliff probably murdered Mr. Hooper. Or at least harassed him in his final days. Heathcliff definitely would try to eat Big Bird and Grover would be like, “I need to be faaaaaaaaaar from Heathcliff. Not neeeeeeear him.” Heathcliff wouldn’t mess with Cookie Monster though. No one would.
For Halloween 2013, we got a week of amazing comics. Including this one:

No damn way that Charlie Brown would go near Heathcliff. Good grief. But again, why did the cartoonist randomly draw this?
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