Heathcliff, For Why? (2)
October 12, 2016
A series of posts, by HiLobrow friend Brandi Brown, puzzling over the Andy Kaufman-like anti-comedy antics of Heathcliff, a cat who has nonplussed newspaper funny pages readers since 1973. These posts were selected from among many others that first appeared at Brandi’s website Heathcliff, For Why?.
First off, I’d like to issue a correction.
I’ve been referring to Heathcliff’s girlfriend as “Cleo.” Heathcliff’s girlfriend’s name is Sonja. Cleo is Riff-Raff’s girlfiend. Riff-Raff is one of the Catillac Cats. Here’s a picture of Riff-Raff and Cleo in a giant hot air balloon shaped like Riff-Raff’s head.

Ladies, if your man picks you up in a balloon shaped like his head, you best lock that man down.
Earlier today, I went to Popeye’s and my grandma gifted me a set of warm pajamas. Then I sat at home and watched television, including the wonderful Kroll Show. I only tell you this because it sets up what an amazing day I was having before what I write next happened.
On tonight’s Kroll Show, Friend-of-the-Blog and actor Peter Gallagher played a gigolo mentor. [The comic strip Heathcliff is drawn by a cartoonist named Peter Gallagher, nephew of the strip’s creator, George Gately in 1973. — ed.]
Before the show aired, I’d heard Gallagher was going to be a guest on the show but had no idea what he’d be doing. I sent him a tweet about my hopes for his appearance and referencing an earlier exchange about Heathcliff. AND HE REPLIED!

I’ve been trying to track down more information about “Non-Actor Peter Gallagher” (that’s what my friends and I call the cartoonist). So far, I’ve located original Heathcliff cartoonist George Gately’s obit. I also spent 2 minutes Googling. Interesting tidbits from the LA Times obit:
Heathcliff, named after the major character in the classic Emily Bronte novel “Wuthering Heights,” was indeed a success. The strip, offering the adventures of the smug fat cat, predated by several years “Garfield,” another strip with a feline star.
Everyone can shut the hell up and eat some lasagna because Heathcliff was first.
“[Heathcliff] had this great idea of himself, his importance,” John Gallagher said. “He would go to get his family tree traced but was also a hellion who had his own bookie.”
Heathcliff is Rob Ford, maybe?
“He would go to cat shows around the country and people would come seeking autographs, not for themselves but for their cats,” [Gately’s brother] John Gallagher said. “So he would sign his name [and] ‘Good Luck, Tabby,’ or ‘Best Wishes, Spike.’ “
Gallagher recalled that one woman asked for a particularly odd inscription.
“Her cat was named Hitler, so somewhere there is an autograph from George Gately reading: ‘Good Luck, Hitler,’ ” Gallagher said.
WHAT IN THE LIVING FUCK?! If someone asks you to sign something for their cat named Hitler, you say “no.” You always say no.
“When you look at the features that have been successful, you notice that they’re usually very simple, and deal with things that people of every circumstance can relate to…. I’m very careful to never make the home in my cartoon look too fancy. I’m as interested in having the poorest person relate to Heathcliff as I am the richest person.”
Poor people don’t get new furniture every day. There is absolutely no consistency in that house. There’s a fridge that moves around the kitchen. Yes, this will be a post. My friend, Pat, gets very upset about the fridge moving around.
Anyway, RIP George Gately.
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