The Fourth Man (3)

By: John Russell
April 30, 2015


From the nineteen-teens until his death in 1956, American author and explorer John Russell wrote dozens of adventure yarns for such magazines as The Golden Book, Argosy, and The Saturday Evening Post. I first came across “The Fourth Man” (Collier’s, Jan 6. 1917) in The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories (1945, ed. Philip Van Doren Stern), when I was an adolescent in the early ’80s. It’s one of the greatest tales of suspense ever. Enjoy!



Under the heat of the day the two younger convicts lapsed presently into dozing. But Dubosc did not doze. His tormented soul peered out behind its mask as he stood to sweep the sky line again under shaded hand. His theory had been so precise, the fact was so different. He had counted absolutely on meeting the ship — some small schooner, one of those flitting, half-piratical traders of the copra islands that can be hired like cabs in a dark street for any questionable enterprise. Now there was no ship, and here was no crossroads where one might sit and wait. Such a craft as the catamaran could not be made to lie to.

The doctor foresaw ugly complications for which he had not prepared and whereof he must bear the burden. The escape had been his own conception, directed by him from the start. He had picked his companions deliberately from the whole forced labor squad, Perroquet for his great strength, Fenayrou as a ready echo. He had made it plain since their first dash from the mine, during their skirmish with the military guards, their subsequent wanderings in the brush with bloodhounds and trackers on the trail — through every crisis — that he alone should be the leader.


For the others, they had understood well enough which of their number was the chief beneficiary. Those mysterious friends on the outside that were reaching half around the world to further their release had never heard of such individuals as Fenayrou and The Parrot. Dubosc was the man who had pulled the wires: that brilliant physician whose conviction for murder had followed so sensationally, so scandalously, upon his sweep of academic and social honors. There would be clacking tongues in many a Parisian salon, and white faces in some, when news should come of his escape. Ah, yes, for example, they knew the high flyer of the band, and they submitted — so long as he led them to victory. They submitted, while reserving a depth of jealousy, the inevitable remnant of caste persisting still in this democracy of stripes and shame.

By the middle of the afternoon the doctor had taken certain necessary measures.

“Ho,” said Fenayrou sleepily. “Behold our colors at the masthead. What is that for, comrade?”

The sail had been lowered and in its place streamed the scrap of crimson scarf that had served Dubosc as a turban.

“To help them sight us when the ship comes.”

“What wisdom!” cried Fenayrou. “Always he thinks of everything, our doctor: everything —”

He stopped with the phrase on his lips and his hand outstretched toward the center of the platform. Here, in a damp depression among the reeds, had lain the wicker-covered bottle of green glass in which they carried their water. It was gone.

“Where is that flask?” he demanded. “The sun has grilled me like a bone.”

“You will have to grill some more,” said Dubosc grimly. “This crew is put on rations.”

Fenayrou stared at him wide-eyed, and from the shadow of a folded mat The Parrot thrust his purpled face. “What do you sing me there? Where is that water?”

“I have it,” said Dubosc.


They saw, in fact, that he held the flask between his knees, along with their single packet of food in its wrapping of cocoanut husk.

“I want a drink,” challenged Perroquet.

“Reflect a little. We must guard our supplies like reasonable men. One does not know how long we may be floating here.” …

Fell a silence among them, heavy and strained, in which they heard only the squeaking of frail basketwork as their raft labored in the wash. Slow as was their progress, they were being pushed steadily outward and onward, and the last cliffs of New Caledonia were no longer even a smudge in the west, but only a hazy line. And still they had seen no moving thing upon the great round breast of the sea that gleamed in its corselet of brass plates under a brazen sun. “So that is the way you talk now?” began The Parrot, half choking. “You do not know how long? But you were sure enough when we started.”

“I am still sure,” returned Dubosc. “The ship will come. Only she cannot stay for us in one spot. She will be cruising to and fro until she intercepts us. We must wait.”

“Ah, good! We must wait. And in the meantime, what? Fry here in the sacred heat with our tongues hanging out while you deal us drop by drop — hein?”


“But no!” The garroter clenched his hands. “Blood of God, there is no man big enough to feed me with a spoon!”

Fenayrou’s chuckle came pat, as it had more than once, and Dubosc shrugged.

“You laugh!” cried Perroquet, turning in fury. “But how about this lascar of a captain that lets us put to sea unprovided? What? He thinks of everything, does he? He thinks of everything!… Sacred farceur — let me hear you laugh again!”

Somehow Fenayrou was not so minded.

“And now he bids us be reasonable,” concluded The Parrot. “Tell that to the devils in hell. You and your cigarettes, too. Bah — comedian!”

“It is true,” muttered Fenayrou, frowning. “A bad piece of work for a captain of runaways.”

But the doctor faced mutiny with his thin smile.

“All this alters nothing. Unless we would die very speedily, we must guard our water.”

“By whose fault?”

“Mine,” acknowledged the doctor. “I admit it. What then? We can’t turn back. Here we are. Here we must stay. We can only do our best with what we have.”



RADIUM AGE SCIENCE FICTION: “Radium Age” is HILOBROW’s name for the 1904–33 era, which saw the discovery of radioactivity, the revelation that matter itself is constantly in movement — a fitting metaphor for the first decades of the 20th century, during which old scientific, religious, political, and social certainties were shattered. This era also saw the publication of genre-shattering writing by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sax Rohmer, E.E. “Doc” Smith, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Aldous Huxley, Olaf Stapledon, Karel Čapek, H.P. Lovecraft, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Philip Gordon Wylie, and other pioneers of post-Verne/Wells, pre-Golden Age “science fiction.” More info here.

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