September 19, 2013
Some of the visitors who click to this site may know me as a punk pundit and others are familiar with my endeavors to seize the means of pop production as a comicbook writer. The protagonists I enjoy the most also undergo a transformation — from who they thought they were to who they might be, with identities they never dreamed of, sweet or bad, along the way. Such is the odyssey of Plenilunio, the reluctant demon who contends with supernatural forces to obtain a mystic artifact and awaken his beloved, Lidia, from a walking death. The story happens in NIGHTWORLD, the comic for which I am for the first time braving the serpent-filled waters of Kickstarter. NIGHTWORLD is the feverdream of my collaborator, artist Paolo Leandri, and we developed it in a common séance, welcoming bestselling comic color-artist Dom Regan and type designer Steve Price along on the River Styx cruise. Picture the ghosts of Jack Kirby and Mario Bava meeting, getting drunk and trashing a media-studies classroom, and you’re ready to cross over into the reality of NIGHTWORLD. Our fans include HiLobrow pillar and comics deity Annie Nocenti, and novelist/thinker/incurable-nerd Junot Dìaz, and we think you’d be happy to come over to their side too. We’re confident of a publisher to be announced soon, but dependent on the assent of the meta-culture multitudes to get fully subsidized and rise from production purgatory. So click to the NIGHTWORLD Kickstarter and decide if our story is worth going to hell and back!

READ “IDORU JONES” COMICS, by Adam McGovern and Paolo Leandri, published on HiLobrow.