The Art of 4CP (1)
November 1, 2012
The theme of this nine-part series — drawn from John Hilgart’s high-lowbrow comic-book details collection, and curated by HiLobrow — should be immediately apparent. NB: Some of the images in this series have appeared on 4CP, while others have not.

Since the spring of 2011, HILOBROW has published 71 4CP-related posts. John talked about 10 of his favorite images for our kickoff “4CP FTW” series; “4CP Friday” asked 21 guest curators to identify themes within the 4CP collection; in the “Meet the L.I.S.” series, John introduced the world to 10 hitherto undiscovered “implicit superheroes”; and in the “Blow Up Your Comics” series, he showed us 30 panels within which he’d discovered wild details. This series of nine posts will bring the HiLobrow-4CP collaboration to an even 80. Check out the 4CP manifesto and 4CP FAQ.
SIMILAR HILOBROW SERIES: SUBSUPERMEN — Golden Age heroes who didn’t make the grade | MASKED MAN | LIMERICKANIA | MEET THE L.I.S. — John Hilgart discovers “implicit superheroes” concealed within comic-book mastheads | 4CP FRIDAY — themed comic-book detail galleries, curated by admirers of John Hilgart’s 4CP project | KIRB YOUR ENTHUSIASM — 25 writers on 25 Jack Kirby panels | ANNOTATED GIF — Kerry Callen brings comic book covers to life | CHESS MATCH — a gallery of pulp fiction chess games | COMICALLY VINTAGE — that’s-what-she-said vintage comic panels | DC — THE NEW 52 — an 11-year-old reviews DC’s new lineup | FILE X — a one-of-a-kind gallery of “X” pulp paperback covers | SECRET PANEL — Silver Age comics’ double entendres | SKRULLICISM — they lurk among us
CLICK HERE for more comics and cartoon-related posts on HiLobrow.