Products of Design party
August 6, 2012

On July 11th, the MFA program Products of Design — the faculty of which includes Significant Objects friends Paola Antonelli, Emilie Baltz, Allan Chochinov, Steven Heller, and William Drenttel — at New York’s School of Visual Arts hosted Significant Cocktails, an evening of drink inspired by and in celebration of the object-oriented fiction collection Significant Objects.
As HiLobrow readers already know, Significant Objects is co-edited and co-authored by Rob Walker and HILOBROW’s Joshua Glenn; it was published by Fantagraphics earlier this summer. It is absolutely gorgeous, crammed with terrific short-short stories, and a great gift.
The party — which featured mixologists book Lynette Marerro, Michael Cirino, and Martim Smith-Mattsom, each of whom invented a cocktail that was inspired by a significant object — was sponsored by eBay. It was a fabulous event. Here are a few photos.

Here’s a cocktail menu from the party. And a Flickr photo set.
Emilie Baltz and Products of Design = best party throwers of all time.
SIGNIFICANT OBJECTS BOOK: Flickr video/photoset, a YouTube video, a Facebook photo album, a Facebook video, a Google+ photo album, a PDF excerpt download, and a PDF excerpt on Google Docs.