4CP Friday
September 16, 2011
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of 4CP, HiLobrow invited guest curators to assemble themed comic-book-detail galleries from 4CP’s collection. Click here to see all galleries.
What are you doing, in the Facebook era, with your face? Are you “sharing” it? Or are you keeping your face to yourself, offering your friends, and the Internet in general, a “profile picture” of a monkey, a humorous cartoon, an abstract painting, the logo of your indie business? Perhaps you have chosen to share someone else’s face: that of your no-doubt charming offspring, or a celebrity with a compromising expression. Possibly you rifle through multiple options, “updating” your online face weekly, always putting a refreshed face forward. Or maybe you’ve opted, self-effacingly, to hide your face indefinitely behind that stony, modern, digital mask, the default avatar. Before your next status update, take a moment to examine the faces offered by your Facebook (or other social-network service) friends (contacts, followers, etc.). Perhaps you’ll notice a few non-face faces among them.
Superheroes, and supervillains, routinely hide their faces — and thus their True Identity — when performing spectacular acts of good or evil, behind masks of latex or metal. But as these images reveal, faces can go missing in other, more ambiguous, ways. Perhaps these examples will inspire you, as you devise, and revise, your own facial strategies.

SIMILAR HILOBROW SERIES: CHESS MATCH — a gallery | FILE X — a gallery | KIRB YOUR ENTHUSIASM — 25 Jack Kirby panels | SECRET PANEL —Silver Age comics’ double entendres | SKRULLICISM | CURATED: 4CP FTW by John Hilgart | ANNOTATED GIF by Kerry Callen | FANCHILD by Adam McGovern