4CP Friday
September 9, 2011
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of 4CP, HiLobrow invited guest curators to assemble themed comic-book-detail galleries from 4CP’s collection. Click here to see all galleries.
I picked images that were enlarged enough to make the color-dots come alive. The enlarged art reminded me of using a kind of mini-microscope I had as a kid that enabled close-up looks at comics, clothing fibers, skin, etc. I realized that some of the shots I had selected could also tell a story, so those were the ones that made the final cut and were then arranged in the order as presented. A different ordering would tell a different story. Just call me Pudovkin!

SIMILAR HILOBROW SERIES: CHESS MATCH — a gallery | FILE X — a gallery | KIRB YOUR ENTHUSIASM — 25 Jack Kirby panels | SECRET PANEL —Silver Age comics’ double entendres | SKRULLICISM | CURATED: 4CP FTW by John Hilgart | ANNOTATED GIF by Kerry Callen | FANCHILD by Adam McGovern