Spread the Word

December 14, 2010

Dear readers,

Please help HiLobrow spread the word about one or more of the following projects!

1) We’re three-quarters of the way through publishing James Parker’s serialized novel, The Ballad of Cocky the Fox. With illustrations by Kristin Parker and brilliant biweekly newsletter and glossary by Patrick Cates. TWEET IT: http://bit.ly/HiLoCocky

2) We’ve published 5 stories (so far) chronicling Annie Nocenti’s adventures teaching documentary video in Haiti after the earthquake. TWEET IT: http://bit.ly/HiLoGoudou

Photo of Peggy Nelson's HiLo badges on Josh Glenn's jacket lapel: KRISTIN PARKER

3) Merit Badges! In August, new-media artist Peggy Nelson started challenging HiLobrow readers to earn gorgeous embroidered merit badges by demonstrating insight into recurring HiLobrow themes and memes, and/or by participating creatively in those themes and memes. As of this week, you can now earn seven badges: Radium Age, Pipe Dreams, Wingwalker, Feral Tendencies, The Node, Awaiting Instructions, and Games. TWEET IT: http://bit.ly/HiLoBadges

Peggy’s challenges look intimidating, at first glance, but they’re by no means impossible. In fact, several readers have already been awarded badges.

There are a limited number of free badges available — distributed on a first-come, first-earned basis. After the initial supply has been distributed, there will be a $10 embroidery fee. So act now.

4) We’ve just started publishing Joe Alterio’s series “Cablegate Comix,” drawn from wikileaked diplomatic cables. TWEET IT: http://bit.ly/HiLoCables

5) On December 17, our master of games and contests, Patrick Cates, will announce a caption contest — with prizes supplied by AbeBooks.com. Stay tuned.


