Hazard and Reward
July 13, 2010
Our friend Geoff Manaugh is spending the summer in residence at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, where he came across a trove of telling gems: a collection of petroleum-themed board games with names that run the semiotic gamut from Gusher to Gas Crisis. But the richest one of all? BP’s Offshore Oil Strike, which offers “the thrills of drilling, the hazards and rewards… for all the family.”
Players earn “petro-dollars.” It’s not clear whether you can use them to pressure your government to start a war for you. But there are hazard cards to contend with, too — like this one: “Accident. Rig shuts down while replacement of key personnel takes place. Miss one turn.”
Geoff tells about the game in detail at his site, the great BLDGBLOG.