Podcast 4: Flint
May 9, 2010
The 4th episode of our Radium Age science fiction podcast, “Parallel Universe: Pazzo,” is dedicated to the theme of TELEPATHY. We recorded this episode on May 7, 2010. As always, the recording session was hosted by our friends at Pazzo Books, here in Boston.
LISTEN TO/DOWNLOAD Matthew Battles reading an excerpt from Homer Eon Flint’s The Devolutionist (serialized in 1921):
Matthew Battles reads Homer Eon Flint’s THE DEVOLUTIONIST by HILOBROW
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TITLE: “Parallel Universe: Pazzo — 4/TELEPATHY”
HOST & PRODUCER: Joshua Glenn*
READERS: Tor Aarestad, Anindita Basu Sempere, Matthew Battles*, Ryan Mulcahy, Tom Nealon, Peggy Nelson, James Parker, Kristin Parker, Susan Roe (* HiLobrow.com’s editors)
THEREMIN: Peggy Nelson
SPONSOR: Pazzo Used, Rare & Out-of-Print Books (Tom and Brian Nealon, proprietors)
PUBLISHER: HiLobrow.com
“Parallel Universe: Pazzo — 4/TELEPATHY” includes excerpts from: Otis Adelbert Kline’s The Planet of Peril, Homer Eon Flint’s The Devolutionist, H. Rider Haggard’s When the World Shook, A. Merritt’s The Face in the Abyss, Edwin Lester Arnold’s Lieut. Gullivar Jones: His Vacation, Garrett P. Serviss’ A Columbus of Space, Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars, and Olaf Stapledon’s Last Men in London. PLUS, one pre-Radium Age reading: Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s The Coming Race. HILOBROW’s Matthew Battles read an original, contest-winning microfiction by Rachel Ellis Adams. THESE LINKS WILL GO LIVE ONE BY ONE, OVER A FEW DAYS.
LISTEN to more episodes of “Parallel Universe: Pazzo.” (And find out more about what HILOBROW’s Joshua Glenn has named science fiction’s Radium Age.)
READ THE WINNING ENTRY in our “Telepathy” micro-fiction contest.
READ THE HONORABLE MENTIONS in our “Telepathy” micro-fiction contest.