A Genuine Father

April 10, 2010

“The above illustration represents a very important fact. To be a genuine father is to have a strong faculty of Parental Love and there is only one faculty of this kind and one place to look for it. No man with a deficient, perpendicular back head is a natural father.”


According to Louis Allen Vaught, the purpose of Vaught’s Practical Character Reader (1902) is to acquaint readers “with the elements of human nature and enable them to read these elements in all men, women and children in all countries.” Anxious, because of our project’s recourse to brow-speak, lest we be accused of harboring crypto-phrenological sentiments, HiLobrow.com presents this occasional series of reprints from Vaught’s Reader, which was donated to us by our friends at Pazzo Books, in the spirit of serious levitas.


Haw-Haw, Spectacles
