Eye Candy (16)
March 13, 2013
Today Eye Candy takes a literal turn.

Where 3D printing meets the EZ-Bake Oven, the Uncanny Valley Workshop Cafe brings you: You! 2.0. As a life-sized gummy bear.
FabCafe in Tokyo has married food and mechanical reproduction to print out full-sized replicas of the requestor, in “gummi” material. Following on the success of their 3D-printed replica heads in chocolate – who needs bunnies? – FabCafe has quite naturally scaled up, just in time for the March 14 “White Day” festivities.

Inspired perhaps by early 3D sugar printing (e.g., Donut 2.0); the range of printed foodstuffs, especially in the junk food category, would seem to be limited only by one’s imagination. Simply choose a material that contains both powdery and light adhesive potential, and it’s snack time!

The new printouts don’t copy your backside, as gummy bears have flat backs, perhaps to better accommodate the conveyor belt. So too will You2.0.
Confronted with a life-sized snack replica, Eye Candy wonders… will people showcase it as dessert at the block party? Slice it into small cubes to bring into the office? Lean in for an experimental lick? Or will they back away slowly, leaving the replica to sway, intact, until furtively melted down or the mice get it?
Choose your flavor.

Read more about food-based replicas on HiLobrow: Kittiwat Unarrom